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Basic Russian Expressions

Sooner or later you will want to meet your Russian lady in person!? Below find an excellent phrasebook containing all the basic words and expressions you will need in your everyday experience in Russia. You, also, will definitely impress that Russian lady. Have fun!

Your Russian Phrasebook

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Basic Expressions

These are a must. Start here, if you are new to Russian, are going to travel to Ukraine or want to look polite and educated, while talking to Ukrainians.


Доброе утро Dobraye ootro Good morning
Добрый день
Dobriy den' Good afternoon
Добрый вечер Dobriy vyecher Good evening
Здравствуйте Zdrastvooyte Hello
Привет! Preevyet Hi!
Рад тебя видеть Rat teebya veedet' Nice to see you!
Как поживаешь? Kak pazhivayesh? How are you?
Спасибо, прекрасно! Spaseeba preekrasna! Fine, thanks!
Неплохо! Neeploha! Not so bad
Как Вас зовут? Kak vas zavoot? What's your name?
Меня зовут... Meenya zavoot... My name is...


Спасибо Spaseeba Thank you
Большое спасибо Bal'shoye spaseeba Thank you very much
Не за что Nyezashta That's all right
Пожалуйста Pazhalooysta You're welcome


Извините Eezveeneete Sorry!
Простите Prasteete Excuse me
Ничего, ничего, пожалуйста Neechevo, neechevo, pazhaloosta That's all right
Ничего страшного Neechevo srashnava No harm

Saying good-bye

К сожалению, мне (нам) пора идти K sazhalyeneeyoo mnye (nam) para eettee I'm sorry I (we) should be going
До свидания! Da sveedaneeya Good-bye!
Пока! Paka Bye-bye!
Увидимся Ooveedeemsya See you
Счастливого пути! Schasleevava pootee Have a nice trip!


Вы говорите по-английски? Vi gavareetye pa angleeskee? Do you speak English?
Я плохо говорю по-русски Ya plokha gavaryoo pa rooskee My Russian is bad
Говорите, пожалуйста, медленнее Gavareetye pazhalooysta myedleeney Could you speak more slowly?
Я не понимаю Ya nee paneemayoo I don't understand
Я понимаю Ya paneemayoo I understand

Arrival, Hotel

Phrases useful for hotel registration, hotel staff contacts, currency exchange, etc.

At the Customs

Вот мой паспорт Vot moy paspart Here's my passport
Вот моя виза Vot maya veeza Here's my visa
Я пробуду здесь неделю Ya praboodoo zdes' needelyoo I'll be staying a week
Я здесь в отпуске Ya zdyes' v otpooske I'm here on holiday
Я здесь по делам Ya zdyes' pa deelam I'm here on business
У меня бутылка водки Oo meenya bootilka votkee I have a bottle of vodka
Можно это провезти? Mozhna eto praveestee? May I bring this in?
Какую пошлину мне нужно заплатить? Kakooyoo poshleenoo mne noozhna zaplateet' What duty must I pay?
Я собираюсь жить в гостинице Ya sabeerayoos' zhit v gasteeneetse I'll be staying at a hotel
Я остановлюсь у знакомых Ya ostanavlyoos' oo droozey I'll live at my friends

Currency exchange

Где можно обменять валюту? Gde mozhna abmeenyat' valyootoo? Where can I change some money?
Я хочу обменять доллары Ya hachoo abmeenyat' dollari I want to change some dollars
Я хочу обменять дорожные чеки Ya hachoo abmeenyat' darozhnie chekee I want to change some traveller's cheques
Какой курс валюты? Kakoy koors valyoo'ti? What's the exchange rate?

Checking in

Мне нужен номер в гостинице Mne noozhen nomer v gasteeneetse I need hotel accommodation
Мне нужна комната на одного Mne noozhna komnata na adnago I need a single room
Мне нужна комната на двоих Mne noozhna komnata na dvaeekh I need a double room
Где гостиница? Gde gasteeneetsa? Where is the hotel?
Сколько стоит номер в сутки? Skolka stoeet nomer v sootkee? What do you charge for the room per day?
Входит ли в стоимость номера питание? Vkhodeet lee f stoeemost' nomeera peetaneeye? Does the charge for the room include meals?
Я думаю остановиться на несколько дней Ya doomayoo ostanoveetsa na neskal'ka dney I intend to stay for few days
Какой мой номер? Kakoy moy' nomer? What's my room number?

Checking out

Приготовьте, пожалуйста, все счета к моему отъезду Preegatov'te pazhaloosta fse scheeta k maeemoo at yezdoo Please, have all my bills ready by the time I leave
Я уезжаю завтра утром Yah ooezhayoo zavtra ootram I'm leaving tomorrow morning
Я уезжаю завтра днём Yah ooezhayoo zavtra dnyom I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon
Я уезжаю завтра вечером Yah ooezhayoo zavtra vecheram I'm leaving tomorrow evening
Где можно найти такси? Gde mozhna naytee taksee Where can I find a taxi?
Мне нужно в аэропорт Mne noozhna v aeroport Take me to the airport
Мне нужно на вокзал Mne noozhna na vakzal Take me to the railway station

At the hotel

Есть ли у Вас...? Est' lee oo vas May I have a ...?
Где уборная? Gde oobornaya Where's the toilet?
Разбудите меня в семь часов утра Razboodeete meenya f sem chasof ootra Will you wake me up at 7 a.m.?
Я живу в номере 101 Ya zhivoo v nomeere sto odeen I am living in room number 101
Прошу отнести мой багаж в номер Prashoo atneestee moy bagazh v nomer Take my luggage to my room, please

Eating Out

Here's what to say at the restaurant, how to order foods and beverages, traditional Russian dishes, etc.

At the Restaurant

Я хочу есть (пить) Ya khachoo yest' (peet') I'm hungry (thirsty)
Пойдёмте в ресторан (кафе) Paydyomte v reestaran (kafe) Let's go to a restaurant (cafe)
Дайте пожалуйста меню Dayte pazhaloosta menyoo Give me the menu, please
Приятного аппетита! Preeyatnava apeeteeta Bon appetit!
Я хочу попробовать национальное блюдо Yah khachoo paprobavat' natseeanal'naye blyoodo I want to try some national dish
Дайте мне, пожалуйста... Dayte mne pazhaloosta Please, give me ...
Принесите мне... Preeneeseete mne I'll have ...
Очень вкусно Ochen' fkoosna That's delicious
Мне это не нравится Mne eta ne nraveetsa I don't like this
Советую взять... Savyetooyoo vzyat' I recommend ...
Что Вы посоветуете? Shto vi pasavyetooeetye What will you recommend?
За ваше здоровье и благополучие! Za vashe zdaroveeye ee blagapaloocheeye Health and happiness!
Больше ничего не нужно, спасибо Bol'she neecheevo nee noozhna, spaseeba Nothing more, thank you
Счёт, пожалуйста Schyot pazhaloosta Bring the bill, please


Стакан чая, пожалуйста Stakan chaya pazhaloosta A glass of tea, please
Чашку кофе, пожалуйста Chashkoo kofee pazhaloosta A cup of coffee, please
Я хотел бы...
Ya khatel bi I'd like some...
Я хотела бы...
Ya khatela bi I'd like some...
...сок sok ... juice
...молоко malako ... milk
...минеральную воду meeneeral'nooyoo vodoo ... mineral water
...квас kvas ... kvass

Traditional dishes

Дайте мне... Daytee mne May I have some ...
...блины с икрой bleeni s eekroy ... pancakes with caviar
...блины со сметаной bleeni sa smeetanay ... pancakes with sour cream
...борщ borshch ... borshch
...окрошку akroshkoo ... okroshka
...осетрину по-русски aseetreenoo pa rooskee ... poached sturgeon with tomato sause and vegetables
...пельмени pel'menee ... pelmeni


Some general expressions required when shopping, trying clothing on, inquiring about price, etc.


Где я могу купить...? Gde ya magoo koopeet' Where can I buy ...?
Что Вы хотите?
Shto vi khateete What would you like?
Покажите мне... Pakazheete mne Show me ...
Есть ли у Вас...? Est' lee oo vas Do you have any ...?
Мне это не нравится Mne eta nee nravitsa I don't like this
Я возьму это Ya vaz'moo eta I'll take it
Заверните, пожалуйста Zaveerneete pazhaloosta Could you wrap it, please?
Я только смотрю Ya tol'ka smatryoo I'm just looking
Можно померить? Mozhna pamyereet' Can I try it on?
Эти туфли жмут Etee tooflee zhmoot' These shoes are tight
Это не мой размер Eta nee moy razmyer This is not my size
Есть ли на размер больше? Est lee na razmer bol'she Do you have a larger size?
Есть ли на размер меньше? Est lee na razmer men''she Do you have a smaller size?
Я хочу другой цвет Ya khachoo droogoy tsvet I'd like another color
Я хочу вернуть покупку и получить деньги обратно Ya khachoo veernoot' pakoopkoo ee paloocheet' dengee abratna I'd like to return the purchase and get a refund
Можно послушать эту кассету (этот диск)? Mozhna paslooshat etoo kasetoo (etot disk) Can I listen this cassette (this disk)?
Где касса? Gde kassa Where's the cashdesk?


Сколько это стоит? Skol'ka eto stoeet How much is this?
Напишите, пожалуйста Napeesheete pazhaloosta Please, write it down
Это слишком дорого Eta sleeshkam doraga That's too expensive
Нет ли у Вас чего-нибудь подешевле Net lee oo vas cheevo-neebood' padeeshevlee Haven't you anything cheaper?


How to describe your condition, call a doctor, and understand a doctor's instructions.


Мне (срочно) нужен врач Mne (srochna) noozhen vrach I need a doctor (quickly)
Вызовите, пожалуйста, врача Vizaveete pazhaloosta vracha Please, get me a doctor
Я плохо себя чувствую Ya plokha seebya choostvooyoo I'm not feeling well
Здесь болит Zdes' baleet It hurts here
Здесь не болит Zdes' nee baleet It does not hurt here
Мне лучше (хуже) Mne loochshe (khoozhe) I feel better (worse)
У меня болит голова (живот) Oo meenya baleet galava (zheevot) I have a headache (stomach-ache)
У меня высокая температура Oo meenya visokaya teempeeratoora I have a high temperature
У меня кружится голова Oo meenya kroozhitsa galava I feel dizzy
У меня насморк Oo menya nasmark I have caught a cold
Какое лекарство мне нужно принимать? Kakoye leekarstva mne noozhna preeneemat' What medicine should I take?
Мне что-то попало в глаз Mne shtota papala f glaz I've got something in my eye
У меня болит зуб Oo meenya baleet zoop I have a tooth-ache
Сколько я должен за визит?
Skolka ya dolzhen za veezeet What do I owe you for the call?
Сколько я должна за визит?
Skolka ya dolzhna za veezeet What do I owe you for the call?

Doctor's part

Что у вас болит? Shto oo vas baleet Where does it hurt?
Откройте рот Atkroytee rot Open your mouth
Покашляйте, пожалуйста Pakashleeyte pazhaloosta Cough, please
Сделайте (глубокий) вдох Sdyelayte (gloobokeey) vdokh Take a (deep) breath
Выдохните Vidakhneete Breath out
Не дышите Nee dishite Don't breath
Ложитесь сюда
Lazhites' syooda Lay down over here
Я сделаю вам укол Ya sdelayoo vam ookol I'll give you an injection

7 steps to start a relationship with a Russian Lady

Click here Now or Join button on the main page, fill in the form, add your picture and you're done.

Note: More details & photos – higher probability to get replies, 'cause every day Russian brides log into their account to write and reply to favorite men.
Browse Russian brides profiles and choose the lady you want to know better. Write your favorite Russian lady a message – this is still for Free.
You get her reply and can't wait to open it. Only now you need to purchase credits ($1-$2 per credit, depending on how many you buy). The number of credits needed to open a letter varies (see the Price Structure). You can pay via a credit card, a check, a wire transfer, and more.

You keep communicating & become good friends - No comments & no extra charge.
Order an interpreted phone call, for 1.8 credits per minute (1 credit, if you don't require translation) and chat all you want with yourRussian lady. More on FAQ page.

Note: Please, keep in mind that exchanging personal contact info during phone calls is not allowed.
You've been writing back and forth and talked on the phone - you like that lady... You want to get her direct contact details. First and foremost, you need to fill out the IMBRA form (US citizens only). Then, you've got two options. One (recommended) is to open 15 messages from the lady and you have the right to request her contact info (or, if this cannot be provided, which is very unlikely, you get your money back). Two is to pay a $50 fee, upon which we will contact your Russian lady and ask her permission to send you her contact details.

Note: this money will not be refunded, if permission is not given, so make sure you have her consent. !!! REMEMBER! Even if you have 15 opened messages from a lady, you are not allowed to exchange personal contact info with her through our messaging system. Please, contact us. More on FAQ page.
Once you got pretty serious with your Russian lady it's time to meet her personally. How do you do this? We can help arrange your first meeting, if you both agree to that. Most Russian women won't be able to obtain a US visa, so you will have to travel to her country, or meet on a "neutral territory", like Dominican Republic, France, Turkey, Cyprus, etc. Read more on Visas and Immigration in our FAQ.

If you decide not to use our service to arrange your meeting with the lady, there is a way to bypass it by getting her direct contact information. Read about it here.
After you've met in person and both want to take it farther, the next step is to apply for her "fiancée" visa. This type of visa will allow her to come to your country and stay for a while (for US it's 90 days). If you get married while yourRussian lady is in the US, she can stay with you for good. If not, she will have to return to her country. Read 'What is the process and how much it costs to bring your Russian lady here' on FAQ page.

Congratulations! You Got to the Finish & Won the Prize. Live Happily Ever After!

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